BoNkErS 2003
BoNkErS 2003

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XTC crew

Welcome To BoNkErS 2003
Alright Hardcore ravers! My name is Mark Watson and i love hardcore music just like all of you who decided to visit this site. Thank's for visiting ;). Im 16 and love anything to do with hardcore i have got loads upon loads of hardcore cd's and tape packs! My fave dj bein Scotlands and maybe the worlds number 1 scott brown! ( Hes the main man in hardcore apart from hixxy n sy! O yeah and Dougal ) Thats ma fave dj's you mighty think different email me anytime to give me your views!

Hardcore has been going strong for years 1994 was when it really kicked off and between '99 and 2000 it went through a really rough time but never the less it picked itself up and started bouncin' again and the djs worked really hard to keep it alive! Thanks i would probably be listenin to some drum and bass bollocks if it werent for you guys!
This is me on my decks! good stuff playin the hardcore!

Email Addi
Anyone who wants to email me or add me on msn messenger im @, and if u want to view, sign, or add a comment to the poll just check the links page! cheers!
Email dj bonkers!


Mc Randy
Not the sharpest knife in the drawer with a haircut like that but he's a good mc!
Email mc Randy!

BoNkErS 2003 3790