Just who am I?
BoNkErS 2003

About Page

Photo Page

What's New Page

Contact Page

Links to hardcore and dj sites

XTC crew

Real Name: Mark Watson
Age: 16
Marital Status: Relationship
Crew: XTC crew
Fave dj's: Scott Brown, Hixxy, Sy, Dougal
D.O.B: 17~03~1986 ( get me a present yeh!)
Girlfriend: Sarah Rance ( GORGEOUS )

Why did i make this site?
My mate had recently made a website, and i asked him wat could i put on mine he said wat music u like and there was my idea HARDCORE!

My About page is also a great place to give information about others involved with my site’s topic, such as the leaders of my organization, club, or company; an ancestor; my family; and so forth.

Email Me!

Check the links page for links to hardcore and dj sites!